Welcome to Crooked Trails Counseling

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. -Edward Abbey

We all encounter some crooked trails in life. When we can’t seem to find a way forward that makes sense, we can become discouraged and disconnected from ourselves and others. Sometimes there are obstacles in our path that we need some encouragement and guidance to overcome. The therapeutic process is about having someone walk alongside you as you navigate your environment and circumstances, helping you become increasingly aware of who you are along the way.

Located in the North End of Boise

The Zegen Building

1524 W. Hays Street Ste #201

Boise, ID 83702

Appointments Available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Laura’s Clients

  • Adolescents

    I think we can all admit, being a teen is hard. it can be especially difficult when depression, anxiety, tough family relationships, or major life transitions are involved. It can be helpful for a teen to have someone to talk to who is outside of the family system. An empathetic ear can go a long way in creating space for increased self-awareness. Laura’s 12 years of experience as a middle and high school counselor give her unique insight into what a teen might be going through.

  • Young Adults

    The world moves at a rapid pace when you are in your late teens, or early to mid 20s. There is a lot of pressure to “launch” yourself into adulthood. Counseling is a way to feel supported through this time, as well as make time for yourself to reflect on your goals and values.

  • Women

    With all of the pressures that women face or the burdens they may carry, it is important to carve out time to validate and acknowledge the difficult things they are dealing with. Parenthood, age related life transitions, relationships, grief and loss, are all things that can be discussed free of judgement and shame in the counseling relationship. Laura is passionate about supporting women as they empower themselves to lead their best lives.